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  • Jason Harris's avatar
    fixing bug #73905: Filter by type in FindDialog gives empty lists. · 1058bfa9
    Jason Harris authored
    The symptoms described were actually caused by a few different bugs:
    + constellations recently moved from type 1 to type 11, and the FindDialog
    was not updated.
    + we incorrectly filtered out non-stellar objects which are fainter than
    the faint limit for stars (thus resulting in an empty "Planetary Nebula"
    list, and reduced lists in other nonstellar categories)
    + No objects in our database are classified as a "Supernova Remnant"
    (the SN remnants are simply called "nebulae"), so I removed this empty
    filter option.
    Also, I changed one filter name from "Planets" to "Solar System" since the
    Moon and Sun are included in this filter.  This is still not perfect,
    since we have other filters for "Asteroids" and "Comets" (which are
    certainly part of the Solar System!), but it's still better than
    "Planets", IMO.
    svn path=/trunk/kdeedu/kstars/; revision=284099