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  • Hy Murveit's avatar
    Re-allocate the rawImage buffer if the number of channels has changed. · 64306685
    Hy Murveit authored and Jasem Mutlaq's avatar Jasem Mutlaq committed
    If the number of channels changes during a session (rare, but can happen now that the
    simulator can be changed from mono to rgb and back) then the rawImage buffer needs to be
    Test Plan:
    Using the new Indi ccd simulator capability to switch between rgb and mono,
    if you do this in one session without this fix, you'll see the fitsviewer
    not display the image properly after the change (though it would it you saved configuration
    and restarted kstars). With this fix, that bug should go away--e.g. change the
    ccd simulator to rgb, capture an image, note the display is reasonable, switch again, should
    be reasonable again.
    Reviewers: mutlaqja
    Reviewed By: mutlaqja
    Subscribers: kde-edu
    Tags: #kde_edu
    Differential Revision: