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  • Jason Harris's avatar
    backporting fix for two precession-related bugs: (1) always precess focus · de6ee12e
    Jason Harris authored
    coordinates when date changes by a lot and tracking an object; (2) the URL
    for requesting a DSS image (slotDSS()/slotDSS2()) must contain the J2000
    coordinates, not the current coordinates.  Fixed for the case where user
    clicked on an object, but not for empty-sky clicks.  The problem is that
    there is no precessToAnyDate() function in 3_1_BRANCH; it is not
    possible to determine J2000 coords from present-day coords without adding
    this function.
    svn path=/branches/KDE_3_1_BRANCH/kdeedu/kstars/; revision=232804