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Draft: Focus Advisor Phase 4

John Evans requested to merge johnevans/kstars:focusadvisor4 into master

The goals of Focus Advisor Phase 4 are:

  1. Make Focus Advisor easier to use for the newbie. So less options, more a 1-click just-do-it experience.
  2. Find approx focus from anywhere - so the user doesn't have to start from near focus.
  3. Calculate backlash automatically without the user having to work it out for themselves.
  4. Calculate step size automatically. This has always been a tricky parameter to default and newbies struggle with it.
  5. Run Autofocus and use the results to optimise parameters.


  1. Break out Focus Advisor code from Focus to a separate FocusAdvisor class - done.
  2. FindStars algorithm - done.
  3. Pre-Autofocus algorithm to estimate backlash and step size - done.
  4. Autofocus analysis also and capability to change params and rerun - done.
  5. Glue everything together - in progress.
  6. Test on sims - in progress.
  7. Test IRL - not started.

Merge request reports