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FITSViewer Simbad Integration Bug Fixes

John Evans requested to merge johnevans/kstars:fitscatalogintegration2 into master

Two bugs reported:

  1. Unable to use Simbad functionality on a FITS file that didn't have a working WCS model on startup even after plate-solving. Fix is to retry WCS after plate solving and create necessary FITS Header keys to enable WCS and Simbad functionality.
  2. File not showing correct location of Simbad Objects. This was due to conflicting FITS Header Keywords that resulted in incorrect WCS initialisation. There are 3 official ways to setup WCS... KStars uses the oldest method (and this should probably be changed at some point - but not in this MR). Other processing systems like Siril and PixInsight use other methods. All are valid but the keywords cannot be mixed and matched. The fix is to send only the keywords relevant to the KStars WCS method to the WCS initialisation.

Merge request reports
