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Draft: Improve rotatorsettings UI

Toni Schriber requested to merge escriban/kstars:rotatorUI into master

After a steep learning curve with my new rotator, I tried to improve the rotator setting user interface.

  1. I've changed the labels to make the function of the respective parameters more evident.

  2. There are to modes now: (both modes preview the sensor frame in the planetarium!)

  • Direct mode (standard), changing the the current rotator angle and/or the current sensor frame PA.
  • Job PA Preset Mode, setting the sensor frame PA for a sequence job.

I'm looking forward to your feedback.

Two screenshots showing the two modes:

RotatorUI Direct mode

RotatorUI_jobMode Job PA Preset Mode


  1. Combine "direct" and "job" mode: Only one "Sensor Position Angle" decoupled input
  2. Create "Calibration Mode": Rotator coupled for prewiew and doing a plate solve
  3. Implement flip awareness: Rotator Angle in "Calibration" together with "calibration pierside" have to be saved.
    Every time a calculation has to be done, check the current pierside. If this doesn't correspond to the saved calibration pierside, the calculation has to add the "flip angle" of 180°:
get current pierside
If (current pierside == calibration pierside) do
     rotator angle = (rotator angle + 180) MOD 360
do all calculations

(Falcon does save its angle internally. Bur are there rotators which do not save their angle? Then this parameter has to be saved too)

Edited by Toni Schriber

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