Fix Analyze bug where bad timestamps can be used and written to analyze log
Fixes a small bug in the Analyze module. Also a couple of small UI changes.
To recreate the bug:
- Before connecting to Indi, view an old .analyze file with Analyze ("read from file").
- Then, Connect to Indi with the simulator profile
- Slew away from the north star
- Start guiding
- Load some capture sequence
- Start capturing with the sequence
- Go back to Analyze, and switch from "read from file" to "Current Session".
With the bug, your timescale will be way off--e.g. you might 10^8 seconds in the x axis if the old file is a month old.
With the fix, the currents session will look correct.
UI Changes:
- Allow panning of the stats y-axis by dragging the mouse up and down on the stats y-axis label.
- Added control-click as an alternative to the right-button-click when resetting the y-axis (as sometimes VNC doesn't let right clicks from mouse-pads through.
Edited by Hy Murveit