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Focus fixes 10

John Evans requested to merge johnevans/kstars:L1PPhase2Bugs10a into master

Bugs fixes for:

  1. CFZ and arc-seconds calculations not taking into account reducer in the calculation.
  2. Capture and FilterManager now using runAutofocus signal rather than checkFocus in the case where an Autofocus run is required. This is more efficient as checkFocus will take an exposure and compare HFRs before running Autofocus.
  3. Adaptive Focus now signals Analyse on zero movements. This means Analyze will be able to continue drawing the focus position line rather than stopping on the last change.
  4. Fixed settings not persisting per optical train (incl Backlash field which was a separate problem).
  5. Added feature now that settings are persisting properly per OT, whereby the absTicksSpin field is defaulted from the OT settings rather than the focuser position. This will allow quicker focuser positioning when swapping OTs where the same focuser is used but focuses at different points.

Tested on Sims and my rig.

Edited by John Evans

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