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Draft: Remove Focus Algos Iterative and Polynomial Stage 1

John Evans requested to merge johnevans/kstars:removefocusalgos into master

Stage 1 of Decommissioning of Focus Algorithms Iterative and Polynomial.

Remove the Iterative and Polynomial options from the Focus Algorithm combo-box so they cannot be selected by the user.

On startup, if the user has any global settings and / or Optical Train settings that have Focus Algorithm set to Iterative or Polynomial then change these to Linear 1 Pass and print a message in the Focus log to this effect.

There is a backdoor to re-instate these algorithms to the combobox in the development tab of Options by checking the restore option. Once checked, the user will need to restart Kstars for it to take effect. The options is somewhat "hidden" by design as the intention is for users not to continue to use these algorithms. In the event that for unforeseen reasons the user needs access, then they can use this backdoor access route.

The intention is to make this option live as part of 3.6.7

Stage 2

Once Stage 1 is complete, stage 2 (not part of this MR) will actually remove the code. The intension is to do this as part of 3.6.8.

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