Labplot painting slow
I searched through the issues if the issue already exists
Steps to reproduce
- Create Plot
- Double buffering in the settings is enabled
Fast plotting
Slow plotting. When plot is updated all curves will be redrawn. Introduced with !388 (merged)
- Even when the preview is not visible the preview will be calculated
Without updatePreview()
virtual void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransform(), x range 1 : 0 .. 120, scale = Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), SCALES x/y index = -1/-1
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), x range 1 : 0 .. 120, scale = Linear, auto scale = true
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), y range 1 : -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08, scale = Linear, auto scale = true
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), y range 2 : -40 .. 40, scale = Linear, auto scale = true
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) "x" range = "0 .. 120" , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , auto scale = true
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "-135 .. 1.335" , logical range : "0 .. 120"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "-135 .. 1.335" , logical range : "0 .. 120"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 0 : "0 .. 120"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = 0 .. 120
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) "y" range = "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08" , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , auto scale = true
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "900 .. -900" , logical range : "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 0 : "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 1 : "-40 .. 40"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -40 .. 40
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) "y" range = "-40 .. 40" , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , auto scale = true
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "900 .. -900" , logical range : "-40 .. 40"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 0 : "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 1 : "-40 .. 40"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -40 .. 40
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int): 0 ms
virtual void AxisPrivate::retransform()
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), "x", coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), x range is x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), y range is y range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), axis range = 0 .. 120 scale = Linear
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double] , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], range = 0 .. 120, length() = 120
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], order of magnitude = 100
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], factor = 120
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks() , ticks type = Axis::TicksType::TotalNumber
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), major ticks by number. increment = 40 number = 4
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() x, labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , values = QVector(0, 40, 80, 120)
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), scaling = 120
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), upper precision = 0
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), auto labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , strings = QVector("0", "40", "80", "120")
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelPositions() x, coordinate system index = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid() x, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid() x, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
virtual void AxisPrivate::retransform()
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), "y", coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), x range is x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), y range is y range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), axis range = -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08 scale = Linear
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks() , ticks type = Axis::TicksType::TotalNumber
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), major ticks by number. increment = 5.000000000000001e-09 number = 10
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() y, labels precision = 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , values = QVector(-3.5e-08, -3e-08, -2.5e-08, -2e-08, -1.5e-08, -1e-08, -5e-09, 6.61744e-24, 5e-09)
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), format = Scientific
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 1, format = Scientific
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), scaling = 4.000000000000001e-08
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), upper precision = 1
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 1, format = Scientific
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Scientific
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), auto labels precision = 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), tick label = 5,0×10<sup>-9</sup>
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , strings = QVector("-3,5×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-3,0×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-2,5×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-2,0×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-1,5×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-1,0×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-5,0×10<sup>-9</sup>", "6,6×10<sup>-24</sup>", "5,0×10<sup>-9</sup>")
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelPositions() y, coordinate system index = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid() y, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid() y, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), name = xy-curve, suppressRetransform = false
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), x/y column = 0x555557a63fb0/0x5555571501d0
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), non monotonic
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), start/endIndex = 0/109
xy-curvevoid XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), find relevant lines: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve, calculate the lines connecting the data points: 0 ms
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve, map lines to scene coordinates: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve, calculate new line path: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateSymbols(), curve xy-curve: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateValues(), curve xy-curve: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::updatePixmap(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 7 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), curve xy-curve: 10 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), name = xy-curve 1, suppressRetransform = false
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), x/y column = 0x555557a63fb0/0x555557a1e6e0
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), non monotonic
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), start/endIndex = 0/109
xy-curve 1void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), find relevant lines: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1, calculate the lines connecting the data points: 0 ms
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1, map lines to scene coordinates: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1, calculate new line path: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateSymbols(), curve xy-curve 1: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateValues(), curve xy-curve 1: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::updatePixmap(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 23 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), curve xy-curve 1: 27 ms
virtual void AxisPrivate::retransform()
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), "y-axis", coordinate system 2
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), x range is x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), y range is y range 2
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), axis range = -40 .. 40 scale = Linear
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double] , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], range = -40 .. 40, length() = 80
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], order of magnitude = 10
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], factor = 800
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks() , ticks type = Axis::TicksType::TotalNumber
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), major ticks by number. increment = 20 number = 5
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), coordinate system 2
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() y-axis, labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , values = QVector(-40, -20, 0, 20, 40)
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), scaling = 80
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), upper precision = 0
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), auto labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , strings = QVector("-40", "-20", "0", "20", "40")
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelPositions() y-axis, coordinate system index = 1
WorksheetElementContainer::retransform(): 50 ms
virtual void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransform(): 50 ms
virtual void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransform(), x range 1 : 0 .. 120, scale = Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), SCALES x/y index = -1/-1
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), x range 1 : 0 .. 120, scale = Linear, auto scale = true
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), y range 1 : -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08, scale = Linear, auto scale = true
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int), y range 2 : -40 .. 40, scale = Linear, auto scale = true
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) "x" range = "0 .. 120" , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , auto scale = true
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "-1.245 .. 1.335" , logical range : "0 .. 120"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "-1.245 .. 1.335" , logical range : "0 .. 120"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 0 : "0 .. 120"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = 0 .. 120
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) "y" range = "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08" , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , auto scale = true
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "900 .. -900" , logical range : "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 0 : "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 1 : "-40 .. 40"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -40 .. 40
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) "y" range = "-40 .. 40" , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , auto scale = true
CartesianScale* CartesianPlotPrivate::createScale(RangeT::Scale, const Range<double>&, const Range<double>&) , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear , scene range : "900 .. -900" , logical range : "-40 .. 40"
bool CartesianCoordinateSystem::setScales(Dimension, const QVector<CartesianScale*>&)
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 0 : "-3,5e-08 .. 1e-08"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , range 1 : "-40 .. 40"
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "x" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScale(Dimension, int, bool) , auto-scale axis "y-axis" of scale RangeT::Scale::Linear
void Axis::setRange(Range<double>), range = -40 .. 40
void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransformScales(int, int): 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 31 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 469 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 31 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 475 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 31 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 467 ms
virtual void AxisPrivate::retransform()
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), "x", coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), x range is x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), y range is y range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), axis range = 0 .. 120 scale = Linear
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double] , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], range = 0 .. 120, length() = 120
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], order of magnitude = 100
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], factor = 120
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks() , ticks type = Axis::TicksType::TotalNumber
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), major ticks by number. increment = 40 number = 4
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() x, labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , values = QVector(0, 40, 80, 120)
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), scaling = 120
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), upper precision = 0
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), auto labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , strings = QVector("0", "40", "80", "120")
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelPositions() x, coordinate system index = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid() x, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid() x, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
virtual void AxisPrivate::retransform()
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), "y", coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), x range is x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), y range is y range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), axis range = -3,5e-08 .. 1e-08 scale = Linear
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks() , ticks type = Axis::TicksType::TotalNumber
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), major ticks by number. increment = 5.000000000000001e-09 number = 10
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() y, labels precision = 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , values = QVector(-3.5e-08, -3e-08, -2.5e-08, -2e-08, -1.5e-08, -1e-08, -5e-09, 6.61744e-24, 5e-09)
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), format = Scientific
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 1, format = Scientific
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), scaling = 4.000000000000001e-08
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), upper precision = 1
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 1, format = Scientific
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Scientific
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), auto labels precision = 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), tick label = 5,0×10<sup>-9</sup>
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , strings = QVector("-3,5×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-3,0×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-2,5×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-2,0×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-1,5×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-1,0×10<sup>-8</sup>", "-5,0×10<sup>-9</sup>", "6,6×10<sup>-24</sup>", "5,0×10<sup>-9</sup>")
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelPositions() y, coordinate system index = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid() y, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMajorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid() y, coordinate system 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformMinorGrid(), y range 1
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), name = xy-curve, suppressRetransform = false
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), x/y column = 0x555557a60ce0/0x555557059980
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), non monotonic
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), start/endIndex = 0/109
xy-curvevoid XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), find relevant lines: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve, calculate the lines connecting the data points: 0 ms
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve, map lines to scene coordinates: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve, calculate new line path: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateSymbols(), curve xy-curve: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateValues(), curve xy-curve: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::updatePixmap(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 5 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 30 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 469 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), curve xy-curve: 514 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), name = xy-curve 1, suppressRetransform = false
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), x/y column = 0x555557a60ce0/0x555557a1a120
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), non monotonic
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), start/endIndex = 0/109
xy-curve 1void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), find relevant lines: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1, calculate the lines connecting the data points: 0 ms
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1, map lines to scene coordinates: 0 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1, calculate new line path: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), curve xy-curve 1: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateSymbols(), curve xy-curve 1: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = true
void XYCurvePrivate::updateValues(), curve xy-curve 1: 0 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::updatePixmap(), suppressRecalc = false
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 17 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 30 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 472 ms
virtual void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(), curve xy-curve 1: 526 ms
virtual void AxisPrivate::retransform()
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), "y-axis", coordinate system 2
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), x range is x range 1
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), y range is y range 2
void AxisPrivate::retransformLine(), axis range = -40 .. 40 scale = Linear
virtual Lines CartesianCoordinateSystem::mapLogicalToScene(const Lines&, AbstractCoordinateSystem::MappingFlags) const, xScales/yScales size: 1/1
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double] , scale = RangeT::Scale::Linear
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], range = -40 .. 40, length() = 80
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], order of magnitude = 10
int Range<T>::autoTickCount() const [with T = double], factor = 800
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks() , ticks type = Axis::TicksType::TotalNumber
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), major ticks by number. increment = 20 number = 5
void AxisPrivate::retransformTicks(), coordinate system 2
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() y-axis, labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , values = QVector(-40, -20, 0, 20, 40)
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), scaling = 80
int AxisPrivate::upperLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), upper precision = 0
int AxisPrivate::lowerLabelsPrecision(int, Axis::LabelsFormat), precision = 0, format = Decimal
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings(), auto labels precision = 0
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelStrings() , strings = QVector("-40", "-20", "0", "20", "40")
void AxisPrivate::retransformTickLabelPositions() y-axis, coordinate system index = 1
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve: 29 ms
void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter*), curve xy-curve 1: 474 ms
WorksheetElementContainer::retransform(): 3069 ms
virtual void CartesianPlotPrivate::retransform(): 3070 ms
Labplot Version
<!-- Add text from the labplot executable between the ``` ``` block below: Help -> About Labplot -->
Debug build 2.10.0-1425-g5c9488cd Nov 25 2023, 12:29:24 System: Manjaro Linux Locale: English,United States (Decimal point ',', Group separator '.' Number settings: Decimal point ',', Group separator '.', Exponential 'e', Zero digit '0', Percent '%', Positive/Negative sign '+'/'-' (Updated on restart) Architecture: x86_64-little_endian-lp64 Kernel: linux 5.15.133-1-MANJARO C++ Compiler: GNU 13.2.1 C++ Compiler Flags: -fno-operator-names -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat-security -Wno-long-long -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual -Werror=return-type -Werror=init-self -Wvla -Wdate-time -Wsuggest-override -Wlogical-op -fdiagnostics-color=always -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wunreachable-code -Wunused -Wdeprecated-declarations -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fstack-protector -fexceptions -std=c++17 -O0 -Wcast-align -Wswitch-enum -fvisibility=default -pedantic -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant