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Fix i18n usage

Albert Astals Cid requested to merge work/aacid/fix_i18n_usage into master

You can not use i18n in a static context.


kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Linear" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Log10" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Log2" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Ln" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Sqrt" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Square" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Inverse" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
Edited by Albert Astals Cid

Merge request reports
