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Fix problems with numberSpinbox

Martin Marmsoler requested to merge work/NumberSpinbox into master
  • move scaling
  • use for minChanged/ maxChanged common function for x and y
  • checkRange(): change start and end in current range, because otherwise scaling and format will be change too which is not desired
    • fixes the problem when during log10 scaling the value gets <= 0 it did not indicate that the value is invalid
  • fixes #449 (closed)
  • fixes problem that in lineedits the cursor will be set at the end when typing not at the end (for example axis prefix/suffix)

After this MR "CONDITIONAL_LOCK_RETURN" must be used in every dock for all element -> dock and all dock-> element if not feedback like for the NumberSpinBox is used. In the later case "CONDITIONAL_RETURN_NO_LOCK" shall be used in the slot from dock -> element

Edited by Martin Marmsoler

Merge request reports
