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Deploy ui.rc file as Qt resource

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau requested to merge work/kossebau/uircviaqrc into master


Deploying the KXmlGui ui.rc files as Qt resources is possible since KF 5.4, done almost everywhere now.

Some advantages:

  • user cannot accidentally delete it when messing with installs, default data is always baked into the binary (like other, more simple default config data).
  • data of a qrc "file" is already mapped into the memory as part of the loaded binary, so besides some memory page changes the side-effect are lower compared to loading data from a separate file on the filesystem (sadly forgot where I read some closer look at that, but something about less system calls involved as well as side-effects on the filesystem cache)
  • less files to package, less packager work (of course more one-time work on a change like this to adapt :) )

The changes to the mac & Windows packaging scripts are done blindly, cannot test both platforms.


Merge request reports
