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  • Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's avatar
    Use consistently Q_SIGNALS/Q_SLOTS (and set QT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS) · 399f91c1
    Friedrich W. H. Kossebau authored
    Currently there is a mix of both signals/slots and Q_SIGNALS/Q_SLOTS.
    Given Marble is also promoted as library, it seems to make sense to
    standardize on Q_SIGNALS/Q_SLOTS, and for consistency do that project-wide,
    not just for the lib API.
    Adding QT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS should prevent any regressions here.
    Test Plan:
    Still builds (WITH_KDE=ON & BUILD_MARBLE_EXAMPLES=ON) and marble app still
    Reviewers: rahn, nienhueser
    Reviewed By: nienhueser
    Differential Revision: