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  • Dennis Nienhüser's avatar
    Use a local path determined by Qt API as storage location in windows · 790e3a51
    Dennis Nienhüser authored
    While i cannot reproduce bug #337872 I suspect that the calls to
    Windows API to determine a local storage are related. Since Qt has API
    for it let's just use that instead.
    At the same time the storage location changes from a roaming profile
    location to a computer local location. If Marble stores several GB
    in a roaming profile (happens easily for e.g. heavy OSM users), the
    Windows login time can increase significantly when the roaming profile
    is synced. Using a local location avoids that (at the cost of having
    to install additional map themes on each computer in use separately).
    If that breaks your use case, please open a bug report and I'll
    introduce a config option to enable storing in roaming profiles again.
    Old data in a roaming profile, if any, is migrated to the new location
    on Marble startup if the user chooses so (a dialog asks about it once on
    CCBUG: 337872
    (cherry picked from commit 134ab731)