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  • Dennis Nienhüser's avatar
    Add bin/marble-qt. Please read on. · fbe6ad50
    Dennis Nienhüser authored
    Previously the cmake boolean switch QTONLY was used to build
    bin/marble as a KDE application (QTONLY=FALSE, default) or as
    a Qt application (QTONLY=TRUE, no KDE dependencies at all). This
    approach has some drawbacks:
    - it's not immediately clear which version (KDE or Qt) bin/marble is
    - you cannot build the KDE and Qt version in one go
    Having bin/marble and bin/marble-qt separated fixes that:
    - bin/marble-qt is the Qt version, always there.
      bin/marble is the KDE version
    - bin/marble and bin/marble-qt are both installed at the same time
      (great for testing and for distributions for packaging)
    Warning: For continuous builds with QTONLY=TRUE, please delete bin/marble
    now. Execute bin/marble-qt in the future.
    Note: Tested with QTONLY=TRUE/FALSE, but only on Linux. Please report
    any breakage you might encounter.
    Further reduction of QTONLY usage in cmake files should come in
    future commits. The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX subfolder structure might
    change as well.