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(WIP) Add Python scripting support

Christian Siqueira requested to merge chfleury/rocs:master into master

The purpose of this Merge Request is to save the progress of Python scripting support.

  1. This implementation is being made using a lib called PyBind, we created an alternative version of the kernel called kerlelPy that uses PyBind in order to interpret the Python scripts. The kernelPy.cpp file also contains the NodeWrapper, EdgeWrapper and DocumentWrapper classes in it. It's already possible to import a .py file and run the python script, using some of the basic functions of Rocs.
  2. Apart from implementing the remaining node, edge and document functions, there are some other things still to be done, like to create a general kernel interface that both the main kernel (javascript) and the kernelPy can extend so kernelPy is able to make changes to the screen like on the Script Output or to change the color of a node. The pipeline is also broken and it needs to be fixed. It would also be good to separate kernelPy and its wrappers in multiple files.
Edited by Christian Siqueira

Merge request reports
