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  • Dmitry Kazakov's avatar
    Fix aspect button initialization in Blur filter · 06d2270b
    Dmitry Kazakov authored
    The bug was caused by a coincidence of four problems:
    1) KoAspectButton never did initialization of the icon in the constructor,
       it waited for someone to call setKeepAspectRatio() to set up the icon
    2) Constructor of KisWdgBlur never initialized m_halfSizeLink variable
       and the button.
    3) [not fixed] KisWdgBlur::setConfiguration() (and a lot of other filters) just skip
       initializing the GUI control in case the property is absent in the
       configuration. Ideally, it should fall back to the default value
    4) KisBlurFilter::defaultConfiguration() didn't add a property for
       "lockAspect", so the control has never been initialized unless the
       user clicked on it.