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Replace dialog-* icons with data-* icons

Nate Graham requested to merge ngraham/breeze-icons:new-dialog-icons into master

The current dialog icons confusingly look like dialogs themselves, which is strange because they generally appear inside dialogs. Dialog-ception! They also have small symbolic versions which don't really make conceptual sense, since you use these icons for their bold colors.

Let's replace them with symlinks to the equivalent data-* icons, which look more visually appropriate and lack unneeded monochrome symbolic versions. Symbolic versions and symlinks are removed too.

dialog-question and dialog-password had no equivalent data-* icons, so I made some myself to mimic the style using emblem icons as a base.

The largest size is currently 22px, but they scale up well enough. We can add optimized larger versions later if needed.

Before After
Screenshot_20240509_060557-1 New_dialog_icons

Example of the new one in an actual dialog:


@teams/vdg @carlschwan @kossebau

Merge request reports
