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Fix class attribute for places/32/folder-{log,podcast}.svg

Luke Horwell requested to merge lahseven/breeze-icons:fix-class-attribute into master

While working on a script that patches Breeze-Dark icons into a static theme, I came across two files that had the class attribute outside of the <path> closing tag.

As a result, the resulting file installed on the system had escaped tags/quotes. For instance, /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/places/32/folder-log.svg

 <path style="fill:currentColor;fill-opacity:0.6;stroke:none" d="m 10,12 v 1 h 12 v -1 z m 0.5,2 C 10.223,14 10,14.223 10,14.5 10,14.777 10.223,15 10.5,15 10.777,15 11,14.777 11,14.5 11,14.223 10.777,14 10.5,14 m 1.5,0 v 1 h 9 v -1 z m 0,2 v 1 h 4 v -1 z m -1.5,3 C 10.223,19 10,19.223 10,19.5 10,19.777 10.223,20 10.5,20 10.777,20 11,19.777 11,19.5 11,19.223 10.777,19 10.5,19 m 1.5,0 v 1 h 9 v -1 z m 0,2 v 1 h 8 v -1 z m -2,2 v 1 h 12 v -1 z"/>

The fix is to remove the premature /> tag.

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