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Add Find7Zip, deprecate Find7z, revert Find7z broken Linux support

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau requested to merge work/kossebau/find7zip into master

p7zip has been an old fork for Linux of the original 7-Zip program, and occupying the 7z namespace, though just supporting the very 7z format, other than the original. When 7-zip started to also support Linux, it had to adapt to that and used 7zz as binary name.

Using 7(-)Zip instead of 7z is also more correct when talking about the actual 7-Zip program.

Plan is to backport to ECM 5, which already got the (not yet released) backport of the broken 7z Linux support.

Matches also Craft's approach ->

Motivated by games/libkdegames@0b3708cf (comment 815224)

Merge request reports