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Something about sidebarMode and everyone else

ivan tkachenko requested to merge work/ratijas/sidebarMode-fallback into master

KCModuleQml: Provide a fallback in case a pushed page is not one of magical KCMUtils types

This is a type-safe fallback for KCMs where e.g. a root page is Kirigami.Page that does not contain any sidebarMode property.

components: Explicitly specify signal handler arguments


components: Guard nullable property access

ScrollView may have null background, so we should account for it properly.

Same as kdeclarative@c5805a3b and kdeclarative@1ee78de9.

GridDelegate: Use somewhat more consistent ToolTip bindings, remove timeout

Timeout was removed from tooltips in both QQC2 Desktop Style and PlasmaComponents, because it was considered annoying.

components: Drop QML import versions, unify import aliases

(this one has been bothering me for way too long)

Merge request reports