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Draft: KAboutData: add property organizationName

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau requested to merge work/kossebau/organizationName into master

To mirror the set of metadata QCoreApplication holds (see QCoreApplication::organizationName, note this is separate from the organization Domain)

Avoids having to set the name explicitly, like currently done by name apps written by "KDE" ->!v=kf6-qt6&_filestring=&_string=setOrganizationName&_casesensitive=1

There is some risk:

This will result in some behaviour change for all apps using KAboutData::setApplicationData(), where before QCoreApplication::organizationName would just have stayed empty. This might effect apps using QSettings, which without explicit organizationName argument set defaults to using QCoreApplication::organizationName or, if empty, to QCoreApplication::organizationDomain (on non-macOS).

No idea though how big the risk is. Also no good idea how to make the new behaviour opt-in, without killing the convenience gain.

Merge request reports