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Function to support event categories

Function returns only holiday tagged with the supplied category.

This can be useful for selecting categories, as mentioned in

The function holidays was overloaded with (startDate, endDate, category).

The test file was adapted. Here is the output:

PASS   : HolidayRegionTest::initTestCase()
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() This regionCode =  "calendar_systems"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Is valid? =  true
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Country code =  "CALENDAR"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Language code =  "systems"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Name =  "Multiple Calendar Systems"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Description =  "A test file for multiple calendar systems"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems()
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Parsing regionCode =  "calendar_systems"  start date =  "2020-07-01"  end date =  "2021-06-30"  category =  "seasonal"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Date =  "2020-09-22"  Duration =  1  Name =  "September-Tagundnachtgleiche"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Date =  "2020-12-21"  Duration =  1  Name =  "Wintersonnenwende"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Date =  "2021-03-20"  Duration =  1  Name =  "März-Tagundnachtgleiche"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems() Date =  "2021-06-21"  Duration =  1  Name =  "Sommersonnenwende"
QDEBUG : HolidayRegionTest::testLoadFileCalendarSystems()

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