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KCoreUrlNavigator: fix header include path, add backward-compat headers

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau requested to merge work/kossebau/fixheaderlocation into master

Tested with all of

#include <kio/kcoreurlnavigator.h>
#include <kcoreurlnavigator.h>
#include <KIO/KCoreUrlNavigator>
#include <KCoreUrlNavigator>

in a code linking KIOGui. With warnings enabled/disabled & visinility enabled/disabled.

Same compat header code already used elsewhere in KF, either generating (KDNSSD) or explicit (io_slave_defaults,h). Somebody (tm) should turn this into a ECM macro.

@meven @cblack @dfaure @nicolasfella

Merge request reports