Finish PolKit integration
This MR contains a series of commits that removes the disable on PolKit usage and fixes remaining bugs in it to provide a user experience that allows manipulating files that require administrative access to modify in a secure way.
To test:
[compile patch to your install location; for me it's ~/kde/usr]
source ~/kde/build/kio/
sudo cp ~/kde/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.kde.kio.file.policy /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/
sudo cp ~/kde/usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.kde.kio.file.service /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/
sudo cp ~/kde/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.kio.file.conf /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/
sudo cp ~/kde/usr/lib64/libexec/kauth/file_helper /usr/lib64/libexec/kauth/ (might be /usr/libexec/kf5/kauth/ on some distros)
dolphin [then navigate to / and try to create a file or folder]
Test cases
Single file
- Drag-and-drop move to
- Undo dnd move to
- Drag-and-drop copy to
- Undo dnd copy one file to
- Cut-and-paste to
- Undo cut-and-paste to
- Copy-and-paste to
- Undo copy-and-paste to
- Rename file on
- Duplicate file on
- Undo duplication of a file on
Four individual files
- Drag-and-drop move to
- Undo dnd move to
- Drag-and-drop copy to
- Undo dnd copy to
- Copy-and-paste to
- Undo copy-and-paste to
- Cut-and-paste to
- Undo cut-and-paste to
- Rename four files on
- Duplicate four files on
- Undo duplicate four files on
Single Folder full of stuff
- Drag-and-drop move to
- Undo Drag-and-drop move to
- Drag-and-drop copy to
- Undo drag-and-drop copy to
- Cut-and-paste to
- Copy-and-paste to
- Undo copy-and-paste to
- Rename folder full of stuff on
- Duplicate folder full of stuff on
- Create folder on
- Undo creating folder on
- Create a file on
- Undo creating a file on
- Edit permissions for file on
- Drag-and-drop copy file from Ark to
Edited by Nate Graham