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kdirmodel: fix case when first deleted item was hidden


With certain actions on the desktop, a situation may arise when there is a phantom icon of a non-existent (deleted file) on it. After the reboot (or restarting plasma-plasmashell.service), the icon disappears. Updating the desktop via F5 does not cause the "frozen" icon to disappear.

Real example

Export fb2 document to pdf via soffice. In this situation, LibreOffice generates a temporary file, and with a certain probability a situation occurs when the file is actually deleted (you can check through Dolphin or ls), but the "frozen" icon on the desktop remains.

Video bug-kdirmodel

Bug explanation

There is case when first deleted item was hidden (without node). So, the function was returning without properly handling of the remaining deleted files from the list.

Edited by Sergey Katunin

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