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Expand test for local files

David Edmundson requested to merge work/kio_fix into master

Some code paths go into DesktopExecParser with the URL in the form QUrl("/home/david") instead of the correct QUrl("file:///home/david/").

Arguably this is a bug in the calling code, but something seen in the wild.

KIO doesn't handle this in the test of whether we need kio-fuse is broken. url.isLocalFile() returns false, and as such we don't see the program as being able to load this URL.

Testing done:

  • Load a local file from dolphin in firefox. It loads correctly
  • It now appears in "recent" files in the taskbar context menu
  • Previously opening that link would open via kio-fuse, mounting file:// and firefox opening the kio-fuse temporary dir location
  • now it opens the file normally
Edited by David Edmundson

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