Material: Drop "attached property enforcement"
As can be easily demonstrated, attached properties are getting created
on any Qt object any time it is accessed in any way in QML, be it
property read or write, or even simply querying the object itself like
or this.Material
. Thus, no such "enforcement" is
The output is identical when running the following snippet with both Qt 5.15 and 6.5 QML runtimes.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami
Item {
Kirigami.BasicThemeDefinition {
id: hack
Material.elevation: 2
textColor: hack.Material.foreground
Kirigami.BasicThemeDefinition {
id: nohack
textColor: nohack.Material.foreground
Kirigami.BasicThemeDefinition {
id: nothing
textColor: "#111111"
Component.onCompleted: {
print(hack, hack.Material)
print(hack.textColor, hack.Material.foreground)
print(hack.highlightColor, hack.Material.accent)
print(nohack, nohack.Material)
print(nohack.textColor, nohack.Material.foreground)
print(nohack.highlightColor, nohack.Material.accent)
print(nothing, nothing.Material)
print(nothing.textColor, nothing.Material.foreground)
print(nothing.highlightColor, nothing.Material.accent)