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SpellCheck: Shorten the type name

ivan tkachenko requested to merge work/ratijas/spell into master

"Spell Check" is shorter than "Spell Checking" but is not an abbreviation, and does not lose meaning. Also, KCM is named like that, as well as menu items in various software. So it's less typing and less reading standard "-ing" suffixes.

The only known consumers of this API are:

  • Kirigami itself (just inside doc example, and this patch ports it too),
  • Kirigami Gallery to show-case the feature,
  • Sonnet provides another example in docs,
  • qqc2-desktop-style for its TextArea implementation,
  • Tokodon in two places, one of which does not make sense because Sonnet doesn't work on TextFields.

bonus patch:

Add basic/smoke test for the attached property

Edited by ivan tkachenko

Merge request reports