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InlineMessage: Don't bind your logic to the value of .visible property

ivan tkachenko requested to merge work/ratijas/inline-message-bind-close into master

Lesson learnt from the experience with Battery & Brightness inhibition hints list. Although, there it was a visibleChildren property which messed us up by turning into an empty list when a whole component is not visible. Anyway, same here: don't bind sizing calculations to the value of closeButton.visible, as it won't be the same as the value of what it is in turn bound to -- because when a whole InlineMessage is hidden, the value visible: false will implicitly propagate down the tree, but would be restored to an explicitly bound one when shown again.

It does not fix anything noticeable at this moment, but that's because half of animations are not working at all atm: hiding is instant.

Merge request reports
