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ShadowedTexture: Fix crash in cases where QSGTextureProvider::textureChanged signal-functor connection outlives the life of the functor.

The crash is easily reproducible if there is a binding which causes textureChanged signal to be emitted.

To reproduce the crash the implementation:

import QtQuick 2.15

import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami

GridView {
    id: root
    width: 5
    height: 5

    delegate: Kirigami.Card {
        banner {
            source: model.source
            sourceSize {
                width: root.width
                height: root.height

    // ignore
    model: ListModel {
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}
        ListElement {source: "/tmp/path.svg"}

where you have to wget to /tmp/path.svg and after that resize the window. On my system here's the output with some debug logs to give an idea:

[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 0 y2= 0 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 19 y2= 19 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 19 y2= 19 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568031ec0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568036d70 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568010910 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dca30 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dd280 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dd750 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680ddc00 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680de0b0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680de560 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dea10 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680deec0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
[CREATED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680df370 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680df370 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
file:///tmp/main.qml:10:15: QML Card: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568031ec0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568031ec0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568036d70 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568036d70 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568010910 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f0568010910 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dca30 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dca30 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dd280 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dd280 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dd750 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dd750 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680ddc00 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680ddc00 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680de0b0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680de0b0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680de560 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680de560 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dea10 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680dea10 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680deec0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
[DESTORYED] object: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680deec0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 2574 y2= 1402.63 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8273 )
lambda called on: GeometryNode( 0x7f05680102e0 strip #V: 4 #I: 0 x1= 0 y1= 0 x2= 1292 y2= 1410.28 materialtype= 0x7f05a83f8272 )
[1]    621903 segmentation fault (core dumped)  qmlscene main.qml

Look at the last address 0x7f05680102e0 and see it is used within the lambda even after it is destroyed.

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