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KF5 Mouse OverlaySheet fixes

Joshua Goins requested to merge work/redstrate/fix-dialog-drags into kf5

Hover Fix

This fixes BUG: 465394. Basically, you can begin dragging dialogs by right-clicking and this is especially common with dialogs that have text inputs.

We use HoverHandler to detect whether a mouse was used, however since hoverEnabled was set on the MouseArea, it was eating the first event and enabling users to drag the dialog by accident.

Also, by default acceptedButtons is LeftButton, so let's enable the MouseArea for RightButton, so you can't accidentally drag dialogs by right-clicks.

Drag Fix

You can "drag to close dialogs" by beginning a mouse click inside of the content item, and then release outside of it. The code that I removed is from @davidedmundson's !279 (merged), and I can't figure out why it was written.

I don't have a mobile device to test, so any help testing this on Plasma Mobile would be appreciated.

Merge request reports