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Allow NotShowIn=KDE apps, listed in mimeapps.list, to be used

It was unexpected for users that selecting e.g. Gnome FileRoller in mimeapps.list for a given mimetype would still not make it associated to that mimetype when in Plasma. NotShowIn is documented to be about "displaying" applications (in the K menu and context menus), not about completely forbidding users from associating such apps with a given mimetype.

Note that if one wants different file associations per desktop, that's supported with gnome-mimeapps.list and kde-mimeapps.list.

The fix is to check showInCurrentDesktop() at cache creation time when collecting .desktop files, but to not check it for mimeapps.list entries.

The trick to make this work was that we still need to process ONE servicetype for such "hidden" desktop files: the "Application" servicetype (internal detail which can hopefully go away in KF6).

BUG: 427469 FIXED-IN: 5.76

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