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KFontRequester: remove, the now redundant, nearestExistingFont helper

Ahmad Samir requested to merge work/ahmad/nearest-font into master

This method was previously copied/duplicated to the fonts KCM; and has been removed there for some time to no ill effect that I can see. For the rationale behind removing it see:

This solves an issue with konversation:

  • Open settings -> configure konversation -> interface -> fonts, enable "show sender nicknames bold in the chat view", OK/Apply
  • The nickname should now become bold in the chat view
  • Open the same dialog again, go to the same settings page and enable "chat text", OK/Apply; note that the sender nickname has become not-bold, if you restart konversation, the nickname is bold again as expected.

This happens because nearestExistingFont gets a QFont that has the StyleName property set, even for Regular-like StyleName, which means that QFont::setBold() doesn't work properly.

Merge request reports