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Revert 9ee32413 (Fix rc file lookup)

Laurent Montel requested to merge work/fix_kxmlgui_path into master

"The dir is still kxmlgui5 almost everywhere and hasn't been migrated to 6"

ls $KF6/share/kxmlgui6/ "filelight kbackup kdf kgeography kjots kmenuedit knotes kolourpaint ksystemlog kwordquiz plasmadiscover sweeper zanshin kalarm kbruch kfontview kid3 klettres knights kolf kontactsummary kturtle partitionmanager smb4k systemsettings "

We use "install( FILES sweeperui.rc DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KXMLGUIDIR}/sweeper)" which installs in kxmlgui6

=> we can't find rc file.

=> it crashs knotes directly.

BUG: 472903

Edited by Nate Graham

Merge request reports