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RFC: "Deprecate" KXMLGUI* class names in favor of consistent KXmlGui* names (KF 5.80)

Targetting post-5.79:

As the class name is part of all symbols, we do not declare a full replacement class, but instead only an alias name with "using" and a matching CamelCase forward header.

That should enable SC when renaming the actual class for KF6.

That should then finally give consistent KXmlGui* names across the API, instead of the current mix. besides not following the CamelCase naming pattern.


  • How to detect and support installations to filesystem which are case-insensitive, so the forwarding header variants cannot live together? Explicit separate folder and adding to include dirs in target interface?
  • Any traps when it comes to using the alias name meeting Qt's metaobject system, besides signal & slots needing the old name? Is there a bigger risk not worth to already now allow code to use the better name?

@dfaure @vkrause @nicolasfella @ahmadsamir @waqar

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