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MenuItem: Fix Shortcut's warnings

Fixes the following warnings:

file:///usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/org.kde.desktop/MenuItem.qml:78:13: QML Shortcut: Shortcut: Only binding to one of multiple key bindings associated with 10. Use 'sequences: [ <key> ]' to bind to all of them.
file:///usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/org.kde.desktop/MenuItem.qml:78:13: QML Shortcut: Shortcut: Only binding to one of multiple key bindings associated with 8. Use 'sequences: [ <key> ]' to bind to all of them.
file:///usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/org.kde.desktop/MenuItem.qml:78:13: QML Shortcut: Shortcut: Only binding to one of multiple key bindings associated with 9. Use 'sequences: [ <key> ]' to bind to all of them.

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