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Better highlighting for some GIS-related file formats

Lukas Sommer requested to merge sommer/syntax-highlighting:gis into master

[PATCH] Better support for some geography-related file formats

Improvements for CartoCSS MSS:

  • NEW Highlighting for functions
  • NEW Better integrate with predefined styles (like dsControlFlow…)
  • BUGFIX Ignore comments within context_expression and context_filter_attribute (because indeed the CartoCSS parser also does not accept comments there).
  • PERFORMANCE Add some

New syntax highlighting for CartoCSS MML:

  • The CartoCSS parser uses two file formats: MSS (which is yet supported by KSyntaxHighlighting) and MML (which is currently unsupported). To run CartoCSS successfully, you always need exactly one MML file and one or more MSS files.
  • This patch proposes an initial support for MML files. As MML is basically, YAML, the highlighting file is based on the existing YAML highlighting file, and it adds PostgreSQL injection, which is essential for good highlighting of MML files.

Improvements for PostgreSQL:

  • NEW Highlighting for PostGIS functions. (PostGIS is an extension of Postgre.)
  • NEW Individual support for the actually available escape sequences in the different types of strings/identifiers
  • BUGFIX Add support for some missing Postgre built-in functions.
  • BUGFIX When using the names of build-in functions as identifier, they are now correctly highlighted as identifier.
  • A test file is attached.

Merge request reports