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  • Stefan Majewsky's avatar
    Allow split build for all games except libkmahjongg dependencies. · 4627fbd4
    Stefan Majewsky authored
    Most of this is straightforward. Some more complicated changes are in
    1. libkdegames: I needed to fix the headers <KgAudioScene> and
       <KgSound>, which did not refer to the right include location when
    2. kgoldrunner: Its CMake code may not depend on OpenAL and libsndfile
       anymore. KGoldRunner therefore now uses the new
       <libkdegames_capabilities.h> header and enables sound only if
    KMahjongg and KShisen are not done yet. I could not create a
    config-script for KMahjongg because CMake currently gets confused over
    exported targets in multiple source directories. (D'oh...)
    svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegames/ksirk/; revision=1294007