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  • Marcel Wiesweg's avatar
    - move CurvesContainer to the ImageCurves file · 971b5202
    Marcel Wiesweg authored
    - construct container depending on type and bits depth
    - use shared pointer for ImageCurves, gives easy operator=
    - const'ify all accessor methods
    - fix </<= issues: array has size NUM_POINTS, index must be checked for "<"
    - addMethods to get a CurvesContainer and to set the curves from a container
    - setCurvePoints can also except polygons of differing size,
      simply disabling missing points. May be it doesnt work in CurvesWidget,
      but it's not used from there
    - add a method isLinear to test if a channel curve is linear
    - add methods to store and read from a simple binary representation
    svn path=/branches/extragear/graphics/digikam/; revision=1195874