Dummy webwidget
Hi @cgilles @mqualmann , Is this a good way to fix compilation with Qt6? I am planning to first fix all WebEngine/WebKit code like this and then try to link targets with Qt6.
There are two dummy widgets
based onQLabel
based onQMessageBox
Both have some empty functions and signals to compile successfully.
If No web module is found, code containing Web* functions won't be compiled and client code is wrapped with Dummy code displaying warning.
WelcomePageView ( DNoWebWidget
) -
inatbrowserdialog ( DNoWebDialog
) -
wsauthenticationpage (Not built in digikam) -
vkontake_authenticationdialog ( DNoWebDialog
) -
webbrowserdialog ( DNoWebDialog
) -
backendgooglemaps ( DNoWebWidet
Edited by Anjani Kumar