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New feature added: one can specify additional transparency of watermark image

Pawel Bogdan requested to merge doktorziel/digikam:master into master

I was missing one feature.

Let's imagine that I have the following image: original

I want to add a watermark to it: watermarkWhite

Note that the watermark is white graphics in transparent background. Using already existing tool I can easily obtain the following image: watermarked_default_behavior

In my humble opinion, it's not as nice as I'd like it to be. Hence I decided to slightly modify watermark plugin. I added possibility to add transparency to the watermark graphics.

Batch Queue Manager with watermark plugin by default looks like: default

As one can see, there is additional checkbox which is unchecked by default. I can enable it, and opacity value is set to 100%: 100_percent

After running this batch I obtain the very same image: watermarked_100_percent

However, when I decrease opacity to 75%: 075_percent

I obtain the following image: watermarked_75_percent

I can repeat it for any opacity value I'd like:

For 50%: 050_percent watermarked_50_percent

And 25%: 025_percent watermarked_25_percent

One can decide which one is the best.

According to my observations, there is no one best suitable opacity level for all photos. Hence such a feature will simplify my work.

Merge request reports