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make additional marble themes configurable

Users might want to add additional marble themes. This change makes the marble themes configurable.

  • add an additional tab to the misc settings called "Geo Backends"
  • add a singleton GeoBackendsSettings to which the different instances of the mapwidget subscribe.
  • the additional themes are shown in the map menu (with the configured name)
  • if a theme is not available anymore we drop back to atlas (blue marble)

The first screenshot shows the new settings dialog (in the background with marble theme ). The combobox shows all available marble themes (clicking Add would add it to the new themes):


The second screenshot shows the Map menu with my two newly added themes. Where the "Swiss Topo Map" -> ch.swisstop.pixelkarte-farbe.dgml theme is selected:


There could be further additions to the Geo Backends Settings in the future which are global and not per instance of the mapwidget.

Let me know your thoughts and I could change this accordingly.

If anybody wants to create the swiss topo themes. This can be done from marble ( using the webmap service . One has to scroll a while to find the correct layer. This is free to use for everybody since march 2021, see here)

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