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  • rk flx's avatar
    Center numbers in Crop and Reduce Red Eye spinboxes · 868e438a
    rk flx authored
    When increasing the value displayed in a spinbox, normally the least
    significant digit should stay in place to avoid unecessary movement.
    This means the numbers should be right-aligned, instead of being
    left-aligned like they are currently.
    Since right-aligning still looks a bit unbalanced, centering should be a
    good middle ground. In addition, when the number of digits does not
    change it makes more sense to pad the number on both sides equally in
    any case.
    Test Plan:
    Check that the spinboxes in the {nav Crop} and {nav Reduce Red Eye}
    tools look more pleasant while resizing the crop rectangle and moving
    the size slider respectively. For a more profound effect, use a large
    Reviewers: #gwenview, muhlenpfordt
    Reviewed By: #gwenview, muhlenpfordt
    Subscribers: muhlenpfordt
    Tags: #gwenview
    Differential Revision: