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  • rk flx's avatar
    Improve keyboard handling for focused buttons in Crop and Reduce Red Eye tools · df8cb1ab
    rk flx authored
    Both {nav Crop} and {nav Reduce Red Eye} feature a {nav Cancel} button.
    While normally pressing {key Enter} or {key Space} while a button has
    keyboard focus should trigger the button's action, in this case
    incorrect actions were executed: {key Enter} accepted the modifications,
    i.e. it did the opposite of what the label said, and {key Space} even
    jumped to the next image.
    For {key Enter} this can be solved by explicitely checking for keyboard
    focus, which avoids the underlying problem, i.e. that
    `ViewMainPage::slotEnterPressed` calls `*Tool::keyPressEvent` before
    `QDialogButtonBox` had a chance to handle the event. For {key Space}
    forwarding in `ViewMainPage::eventFilter` is enough to override the
    default shortcut handler, since `*Tool::keyPressEvent` will implicitely
    call `event->accept()`.
    Note that this also prevents {key Space} from navigating to the next
    image even when the buttons are not focused. We could bring that back,
    but it would actually be more consistent if we did not, since the arrow
    keys are also blocked when a tool is active. To still navigate away
    while a tool is active, users can set a secondary shortcut for
    {nav Next} to avoid getting in conflict with how {nav Space} is supposed
    to work on buttons.
    FIXED-IN: 18.08.1
    Test Plan:
    Use {key Tab} to focus any of the buttons in the {nav Crop} and
    {nav Reduce Red Eye} tools, and press {key Enter} and {key Space}. Both
    shortcuts should trigger the appropriate action, i.e. either {nav OK} or
    {nav Cancel} depending on the button.
    Press the same shortcuts while the image is focused. {key Space} should
    do nothing, and {key Enter} should accept.
    Reviewers: #gwenview, muhlenpfordt
    Reviewed By: #gwenview, muhlenpfordt
    Subscribers: ngraham, muhlenpfordt
    Tags: #gwenview
    Differential Revision: