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  • Clarence Dang's avatar
    * Replace the Color Box's "Reload Colors" button with a label stating the name... · 82d79722
    Clarence Dang authored
    * Replace the Color Box's "Reload Colors" button with a label stating the name and modified state of the color collection for these reasons:
      1. It takes less precious vertical room.
      2. Reloading is not that frequent an operation (undoing a color collection mutation would be more useful but is not supported yet anyway).
    * Eat color drops (which are usually accidental drags from one of our
      child widgets) to prevent them from being pasted as text in the
      main window (by kpMainWindow::dropEvent())
    * Remove kpColorPalette::colorCellsIsModifiedChanged() signal to reduce duplication
    * Clear up comments about hiding the windowTitle() in both the Color and Tool toolbars
    svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/kolourpaint/; revision=717092