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  • Clarence Dang's avatar
    svn merge... · e3d00580
    Clarence Dang authored
    svn merge -r692068:693565 to have both branches (~dang and us) sync'ed:
    * Reorder kpDocument::setSelection() so that code is executed strictly in this order:
      1. Document mutations
      2. Environment mutations
      3. Signals
      to ensure consistency.
    * Fix code duplication in kpMainWindow*.cpp:
        -    if (toolHasBegunShape ())
        -        tool ()->endShapeInternal ();
        +    toolEndShape ();
      and audit places where we're missing toolEndShape()
    * Minor changes
    svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/kolourpaint/; revision=694319