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  • Clarence Dang's avatar
    * "Edit / Paste from File..." respects the Transparent selection transparency... · e4514c36
    Clarence Dang authored
    * "Edit / Paste from File..." respects the Transparent selection transparency mode [bottom hunk of patch]
      - We don't backport to KDE3 as:
        1. It was a minor bug and not a common use case.
        2. We don't want to introduce any bugs.
        3. It could have been easily worked around (simply set the image selection transparency mode back to Transparent).
        4. The buggy behavior did not result in any Undo/Redo oddities.
        but I might change my mind because 4. is asking for trouble.
    * qt3support--: port text copying and pasting to Qt4
    svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/kolourpaint/; revision=722722