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Backport forgotten (?) commits from master to krita/5.0

I have looked through though all the commits that are present in master and not present in krita/5.0. I used three criteria for cherry-picking:

  1. The commit is not a feature
  2. The commit applies and builds fine
  3. The commit doesn't change any strings

Please, everyone, check the list of the commits and yell if any of them must be banned from krita/5.0 :)

Instructions for the future

  1. Generate the list of the commits
git cherry -v origin/krita/5.0 origin/master | grep -E '^\+ .+' > ~/krita-backport-plan.txt
  1. If you have the list of "ignored" commits from the previous run, filter it out
comm -23 ~/krita-backport-plan.txt ~/ignore-list.txt
  1. Check and backport all the fixes you think are worth it and are still present in ~/krita-backport-plan.txt

  2. The current ignore list after this MR is applied is here: ignore-list.txt

Merge request reports